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Town Board

Glenn R. Hall, Town Supervisor email:
Jesse Spaulding, Deputy Town Supervisor and Councilor
Roger P. Volles, Councilor
Tyler R. Knapp, Councilor
Douglas A. LaFrance, Councilor

* To speak with the Town Supervisor or any of the Town Counselors, please call (315) 696-4676 or you may attend any regular Town Board Meeting and request that the Board address any questions or concerns.

Regular Town Board Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month commencing at 7:00 PM (except for the month of November due to budget meetings. The date and time of the November Town Board Meeting is established by the Town Board at the October Town Board meeting).

Regular Town Board Meetings are open to the public and are held at the Town Hall located at 1924 Barker Street in Otisco, New York.