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Wind Turbine Project Information

 All large-scale, renewable energy projects 25 megawatts or larger will be required to obtain a siting permit from the Office of Renewable Energy Siting for new construction or expansion.

 ORES has exclusive jurisdiction over on-shore renewable energy projects of at least 25 megawatts (MW).

 ORES is authorized to “elect not to apply, in whole or in part, any local law or ordinance which would otherwise be applicable if it makes a finding that, as applied to the proposed major renewable energy facility, it is unreasonably burdensome in view of the CLCPA targets and the environmental benefits of the proposed major renewable energy facility.” In other words, ORES can preempt local restrictions on a case-by-case basis if applying the restriction would impede the state from meeting its CLCPA targets, including that (a) 70% of the state’s electricity be generated by renewable energy sources by 2030 and 100% from zero-carbon sources by 2040 and (b) statewide emissions must be reduced 40% from 1990 levels by 2030 and 85% by 2050.