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New York State Homeowner Assistance Fund (NYS HAF)

The New York State Homeowner Assistance Fund (NYS HAF) is a federally funded program dedicated to assisting homeowners who are at risk of default, foreclosure, or displacement as a result of a financial hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Apply if you’re a homeowner who is:

  • Behind or in forbearance on their mortgage
  • In default on a reverse mortgage
  • Behind on property taxes, water, or sewage bills
  • Behind on monthly maintenance charges
  • Behind on their chattel loans, retail installment contracts, or other types of home purchase loans and/or lot rent

Call New York State Homeowner Assistance Fund for more information on this funding Monday through Saturday from 7 AM to 8 PM.

(1-844-776-9423) or visit their website at