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Legal Notices

The Town of Otisco – Since 1806

The Town is situated approximately 21 miles south of Syracuse, New York.

The area in which the Town is located had been occupied for centuries by the Onondaga People, one of the original 5 nations of the Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) Confederacy in northeast North America.

The name “Otisco” may have been derived from the Iroquois name for Nine Mile Creek, Us-te-ke, meaning “bitter-nut-hickory”. At least one older map, published in 1825, has the name spelled as “Ostisco”. The name may also have been derived from the word ostickney, meaning “waters much dried away”, or from the Onondaga word ostick, meaning “the water is low”.

The area became part of the former Military Tract of Central New York State which consisted of nearly 2 million acres of land that was set aside to compensate New York’s soldiers after their participation in the Revolutionary War (American War of Independence). The Town was first settled by outsiders around 1798, and permanent settlement began around 1801. The Town of Otisco was formed in 1806 from parts of the towns of Marcellus, Pompey and Tully.

The Town also encompasses the Hamlets of Otisco and Amber, the latter being situated on the north shore of Otisco Lake, which is the easternmost of New York’s eleven Finger Lakes.

The Town’s picturesque countryside, with its rolling hills and mountainous terrain, is rural, dotted with homes, family farms and small businesses.

There were 2,368 residents and 924 households within the Town according to the 2020 census. In contrast to its relatively small population, the Town of Otisco is the 4th largest Town in Onondaga County in terms of land size, covering approximately 31.2 square miles with approximately 34.40 miles of Town roads. The Town Government consists of a Town Board, Town Clerk, Town Justice Court, Town Highway Department, Code Enforcement Officer, Animal Control Officer, Tax Assessors, Tax Collector, Attorney for the Town and Town Financial Advisor.

A Directory of the Town’s Municipal Departments can be found in the Municipal Directory on this website at

Cell Tower Update

As many of you know the town has been pursuing having a cell tower installed within the towns borders to address our rather lackluster cell coverage. This effort has been ongoing for a little over a year and I believe we are getting close to construction. Early in the siting process the town considered numerous locations including the towns property, the Otisco fire house and private land. The final location ended up being the site of the old landfill on Canty Hill Road near the pipeline. The proposed tower is a lattice design and 192′ tall. My recent discussions with the company managing the project said the permitting is completed. National Grid has been contacted to have a planner do a site survey as the next step. To do so they require the driveway to be installed which will be completed soon. Once this is accomplished construction will begin. It’s my understanding the hardware is on hand so there shouldn’t be any lead time issues. There is at least one carrier already on board (Verizon) and interest from another. Current estimate to complete is late summer. I’ll update this as I get more information. If you have any questions please contact me at [email protected]


Update: Driveway application has been submitted. Construction planned for August/September. Verizon submitted a permit for installing antennas.

Update 10/16/24: Construction now planned to commence the end of October. The 911 address has been issued. The building permit has been updated.

Update 11/14/24: New start date I am told is December 16.

12/19/24: Foundation poured

12/23/24: Assembly



Drive-thru Taxes

The Tax Collector now has a drive through window located on the South side of the Town Hall (right side as you are facing the Town Hall) at 1924 Barker St., Otisco, NY 13159 for the transaction of tax related business during the Tax Collector’s business hours (please see Tax Notice under Legal Notices on this website for the Tax Collector’s hours.

New Time for Town Board Meetings

Please note that the Town of Otisco Town Board’s regular monthly meetings starting times have
been changed from 7:30 PM to 7:00 PM.

Regular Town Board Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month commencing at 7:00 PM
(except for the month of November due to budget meetings. The date and time of the November
Town Board Meeting is established by the Town Board at the October Town Board meeting).

Regular Town Board Meetings are open to the public and are held at the Town Hall located at
1924 Barker Street in Otisco, New York.

To speak with the Town Supervisor or any of the Town Counselors, please call (315) 696-4676
and follow the prompts on the recorded message, or you may attend any regular Town Board
Meeting and request that the Board address any questions or concerns.

Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)

This Program helps low income households pay the cost of drinking water and wastewater services. The program can assist households who have past due bills for drinking water and/or wastewater services.

Eligibility and benefits are based on:

  • income,
  • household size, and
  • amount owed to drinking water and/or wastewater provider(s).

LIHWAP is a benefit based on the actual amount of drinking water and/or wastewater arrears, up to a maximum of $2,500 per drinking water or wastewater provider, or $5,000 if drinking water and wastewater services are combined

For more information about LIHWAP please call the NYS LIHWAP Call Center at 1-833-690-0208 or call the toll-free OTDA Hotline at 1-800-342-3009. You may also email LIHWAP at: [email protected]. or visit their website at

New York State Homeowner Assistance Fund (NYS HAF)

The New York State Homeowner Assistance Fund (NYS HAF) is a federally funded program dedicated to assisting homeowners who are at risk of default, foreclosure, or displacement as a result of a financial hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Apply if you’re a homeowner who is:

  • Behind or in forbearance on their mortgage
  • In default on a reverse mortgage
  • Behind on property taxes, water, or sewage bills
  • Behind on monthly maintenance charges
  • Behind on their chattel loans, retail installment contracts, or other types of home purchase loans and/or lot rent

Call New York State Homeowner Assistance Fund for more information on this funding Monday through Saturday from 7 AM to 8 PM.

(1-844-776-9423) or visit their website at